Milk is nutritious but sometimes avid dieters shrink away from consuming milk. It is generally believed that the fat content in milk hinders weight loss. On the contrary, milk has a lot of benefits. Here are some facts you need to remember before you say no to milk. Nutrients and milk: Milk is an excellent…


Protein is said to be a building block for the body. A high protein diet can either have some great results to show or some terrible consequences. As long as a person is willing to learn more about it, only the former will appear! When a person thinks of a diet which is high in…


You’ve probably heard conflicting reports about cancer prevention. Sometimes a specific cancer-prevention tip recommended in one study is advised against in another. What’s known about cancer prevention is still evolving. However, it’s well-accepted that your chances of developing cancer are affected by the lifestyle choices you make. We live in an age where every single…


As experience teaches us, ‘sin is indeed tempting’. You are aware of the ways in which your health and quality of life would improve and similarly attention to factors that can harm your biological system and yet you give in to the trap of temptation. Not just once, but repeatedly. Processed food can be extremely…


We are too indolent for our own good. You can barely see people today making a physical exertion. Our laziness and reliance on technology has led us to a host of ailments. They are called chronic diseases and they can make anybody’s life miserable. We define physical inactivity as “physical activity levels less than those…


Moringa oleifera is a plant that is often called the drumstick tree or the miracle tree or the ben oil tree or the horseradish tree. Moringa, a plant native to India, is rich in antioxidants and nutrients and its powerful health benefits include its ability to protect the liver, fight inflammation and reduce cholesterol. Moringa extract and…


Sugar is the biggest cause of OBESITY: Sugar is present in all kinds of junk food. It is considered to be the biggest cause of obesity as fructose easily converts into fat inside your body. Consuming too much sugar can put excessive pressure on your liver as it is responsible for converting fructose into fat. Large…

The Sunshine Vitamin!

VITAMIN D3! Vitamins are extremely important for proper functioning of various body systems. Vitamin D3 plays a very crucial role in proper functioning of bones and joints. Deficiency of this vitamin is quite common but can be identified and managed easily. Read on to know more about its functions, causes of deficiency, symptoms and management. Function: Vitamin…

Cardamom – The Queen of Spices

QUEEN OF SPICES! Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a spice found in the form of a small pod with black seeds inside. The spice has an intensely sweet and savoury taste. Both the seeds and the pod have a rich aroma and are often used in desserts, hot and spicy dishes, as well as aromatic beverages,…

Black Pepper – The good evil!

Black Pepper! For thousands of years, black pepper has been a staple ingredient all over the world. Often referred to as the “king of spices,” it comes from the dried, unripe fruit of the native Indian plant Piper Nigrum. Both whole black peppercorns and ground black pepper are commonly used in cooking. In addition to adding…

Fenugreek – An ode to health

FENUGREEK! Wondering what is Fenugreek? It’s called Methi in Hindi and Vendhayam in Tamil. For thousands of years, fenugreek has been used as an alternative Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions and many other diseases. This article aims at convincing you that fenugreek holds the power to transform your overall health. Fenugreek seeds and leaves are…